So i got selected to go to Japan on a tour called the 'young Guns'.
There are two races, Gamagori and Shitchigohama.
I raced in gamagori and although posting an ok time i wasn' happy with the race. I started off with a bad swim, getting dropped and missing the bike pack. It was all over from there where i lacked motivation to chase down the leaders and i was lacking race fitness after not racing properly for quite a while because of my shingles.
The next race is tomorrow and after 2 weeks of more intense training and the previous race i'm ready to give it another crack. There are 20 girls in the race, mainly from japan but 1 other auzzie, a girl from gret britan and another from Korea.
the course should suit me alot better with a few strength climbs in it and an ocean swim.
Lets see if i can let her rip and kick some japanese ass.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
What now- As at 10 March 07
So whats happening now? I just finished off a not so great end of Tri age-group season because right now i am recovering...from Shingles!
It is the chicken pox virus which lays in your body dormant until it is triggered by stress of the immune system. No i'm not stressed, it mainly means stress of the immune system- training too much probably i'm prone to doing that unfortunately... anyway the virus sits on nerve endings and is quite painful, i have it on my left side which has also effected my back and leg muscles causing them to cramp.
So from many doctors appointments and advise from others i unwillingly decided to take some time off- completely- and it sux! i cant handle it!! I will have had exactly 2 weeks off on monday. Way too much time if you ask me but apparently if you dont get rid of shingles completely it can turn into chronic fatigue or glandular fever so because i dont want that i am being good and letting myself get very unfit. But i'm planning to come back on monday.
This means i have pulled out of Geelong :( very sad, i was looking forward to it to. But it will give me a week of training before Bike Camp in Jindy, following that an Olympic dist tri in Mooloolaba on the 25th March and possibly another the weekend after that on the 31st in Wellington, New Zealand. I'm very excited though on the possibility of going on a 'Young Guns' tour for some lucky junior triathletes to Honolulu, Spain and Japan from the 16th May- 3rd July. This would be the coolest trip EVER. I would love to eat, live and breathe triathlon for 6 weeks. (hey i would love to eat, live and breathe it forever).
It is the chicken pox virus which lays in your body dormant until it is triggered by stress of the immune system. No i'm not stressed, it mainly means stress of the immune system- training too much probably i'm prone to doing that unfortunately... anyway the virus sits on nerve endings and is quite painful, i have it on my left side which has also effected my back and leg muscles causing them to cramp.
So from many doctors appointments and advise from others i unwillingly decided to take some time off- completely- and it sux! i cant handle it!! I will have had exactly 2 weeks off on monday. Way too much time if you ask me but apparently if you dont get rid of shingles completely it can turn into chronic fatigue or glandular fever so because i dont want that i am being good and letting myself get very unfit. But i'm planning to come back on monday.
This means i have pulled out of Geelong :( very sad, i was looking forward to it to. But it will give me a week of training before Bike Camp in Jindy, following that an Olympic dist tri in Mooloolaba on the 25th March and possibly another the weekend after that on the 31st in Wellington, New Zealand. I'm very excited though on the possibility of going on a 'Young Guns' tour for some lucky junior triathletes to Honolulu, Spain and Japan from the 16th May- 3rd July. This would be the coolest trip EVER. I would love to eat, live and breathe triathlon for 6 weeks. (hey i would love to eat, live and breathe it forever).
Hobart Sprint Championships- 18 February 07
I went into this race just like any other- excited. But the hype really got to me when the other guys had raced that morning, the juniors were up and racing and i was getting ready whilst passing by Annabell Luxford and Fliss Abrams.
Actually i dont think it really hit my until i was jumping into the water with them...what was i doing there and how the hell did i get there?
Swim start was fast and i started fantasticaly!! i was up there with the leaders and was sprinting away. I then settled in 2nd then 3rd and was so comfortable. I could really do this. Hmmm... Next lesson. Dont get too comfortable and look up every 2 strokes. I looked up (unfortunately after 2 many strokes) and lost them again. What was i doing!?! I just suffered the way back (only about 200-300 to go) and thought i was last out of the water. (i actualy wasn't suprisingly..)
Ok on to the bike and i wasn't going to go that easily. I powered off and was determined to catch up. I passed 2 girls really early on. And i felt i was making time on the main pack. I felt good then BAM. The cramps struck. They hurt too. Not just like those little calf or foot cramps that you get in swim training that you can swim through these guys were big in my hammy and quad on one side. It pulled and pulled but i refuse to pull out of races and this was not going to be an exception. It was made a reality though when i had to slow down, i just couldn't pedal anymore. And as i slowed the muscles got tighter and tighter and i couldn't move my leg. it was stuck straight. I hobbled to the 1st aid tent and they proceeded to take me to the massage tent to get it worked out. After some time the massuse said to me' i cant do anything for this leg go to first aid and see what they say and if you need come back and i'll give it another go'.
So with assistance i made it to first aid once agin where they gave me a very handy icepack wraped in 5cm of towel making it useless. Long story short no help- massage again where i regained 70% movement of the muscle again. I gave some thought to it and it had to be due to decreased levels of magnesium. Cramps had happened before it had to be the same thing.
Not happy. Little did i know at the time but this was to be the start of the epidemic called shingles. A pain in the ass virus. Dont get it.
Actually i dont think it really hit my until i was jumping into the water with them...what was i doing there and how the hell did i get there?
Swim start was fast and i started fantasticaly!! i was up there with the leaders and was sprinting away. I then settled in 2nd then 3rd and was so comfortable. I could really do this. Hmmm... Next lesson. Dont get too comfortable and look up every 2 strokes. I looked up (unfortunately after 2 many strokes) and lost them again. What was i doing!?! I just suffered the way back (only about 200-300 to go) and thought i was last out of the water. (i actualy wasn't suprisingly..)
Ok on to the bike and i wasn't going to go that easily. I powered off and was determined to catch up. I passed 2 girls really early on. And i felt i was making time on the main pack. I felt good then BAM. The cramps struck. They hurt too. Not just like those little calf or foot cramps that you get in swim training that you can swim through these guys were big in my hammy and quad on one side. It pulled and pulled but i refuse to pull out of races and this was not going to be an exception. It was made a reality though when i had to slow down, i just couldn't pedal anymore. And as i slowed the muscles got tighter and tighter and i couldn't move my leg. it was stuck straight. I hobbled to the 1st aid tent and they proceeded to take me to the massage tent to get it worked out. After some time the massuse said to me' i cant do anything for this leg go to first aid and see what they say and if you need come back and i'll give it another go'.
So with assistance i made it to first aid once agin where they gave me a very handy icepack wraped in 5cm of towel making it useless. Long story short no help- massage again where i regained 70% movement of the muscle again. I gave some thought to it and it had to be due to decreased levels of magnesium. Cramps had happened before it had to be the same thing.
Not happy. Little did i know at the time but this was to be the start of the epidemic called shingles. A pain in the ass virus. Dont get it.
Penrith Oceania Championship- 4 February 07
Awesome. My first Olympic Distance Triathlon as a pro and i was excited. Traveled up to Penrith with Ben, Jimmy and Elliot Wise and stayed at a comfortable and cosey little caravan park with a triple bunk (sailor style) for the kiddies and double for coach. Poor Jimmy didn't fit all that well and elliot and i could only laugh when he proceeded to have a conversation with his girlfriend without failing to mention the fact that he was sleeping inbetween another chick and dude.
Anyway race day - a late morning race. So we rode in in the morning for a warm up but drove in later for the start. Organisation unfortunately wasn't quite up to scratch. After a bit of curfuffle the men ended up starting first with the gals about 10min back.
Swim start. I started great- i was ready for the sprint this time but unfortunatley it doesn't stop there. They also sprint around the buoys. Point taken for next time. I lost it and ended up back of the pack again. 2min down on the leaders. WHY??!?!
But onto the ride and again one of the other girls and i worked very well together to make up time. we caught a small group and soon caught the main field. We were also putting time into the leaders. It was working fantastically until i got a flat. I just have to mention here that changing flats is my favourite past time. I changed it- no i didn't have a spare wheel. I did the manual operation and apparently it was caught on video and was quite quick. Great =). But i had lost the pack. I was determined not to get lapped and to finish the race. I was dead last and got the sympathetic claps. How embarrasing. But i pushed on, somewhat slower than what i would have done in a group but nervertheless i made it onto the run course all by myself.
The run. It was lonely and messed with my head. I felt like i was plodding and really just wanted to finish. I was so far back and kept getting visions of finishing 10min behind the last person and they would be packing up...But to my suprise at the beginning of the last lap there were girls infront of me that i could actually see!! I was gaining on them too! Soon enough i passed 2 of them, then there was a third (who was one of my main rivals- she had pulled out (heat probably)) and then another. I was flyin! (somewhat). I finished with a run time of 38:22 (not bad =)) and with an overall time of 2:13:49. I came 7th place and was 8min back on the winner. Concidering i lost 6min on the bike altogther this was alright! Bring on the season. (without flats please).
Anyway race day - a late morning race. So we rode in in the morning for a warm up but drove in later for the start. Organisation unfortunately wasn't quite up to scratch. After a bit of curfuffle the men ended up starting first with the gals about 10min back.
Swim start. I started great- i was ready for the sprint this time but unfortunatley it doesn't stop there. They also sprint around the buoys. Point taken for next time. I lost it and ended up back of the pack again. 2min down on the leaders. WHY??!?!
But onto the ride and again one of the other girls and i worked very well together to make up time. we caught a small group and soon caught the main field. We were also putting time into the leaders. It was working fantastically until i got a flat. I just have to mention here that changing flats is my favourite past time. I changed it- no i didn't have a spare wheel. I did the manual operation and apparently it was caught on video and was quite quick. Great =). But i had lost the pack. I was determined not to get lapped and to finish the race. I was dead last and got the sympathetic claps. How embarrasing. But i pushed on, somewhat slower than what i would have done in a group but nervertheless i made it onto the run course all by myself.
The run. It was lonely and messed with my head. I felt like i was plodding and really just wanted to finish. I was so far back and kept getting visions of finishing 10min behind the last person and they would be packing up...But to my suprise at the beginning of the last lap there were girls infront of me that i could actually see!! I was gaining on them too! Soon enough i passed 2 of them, then there was a third (who was one of my main rivals- she had pulled out (heat probably)) and then another. I was flyin! (somewhat). I finished with a run time of 38:22 (not bad =)) and with an overall time of 2:13:49. I came 7th place and was 8min back on the winner. Concidering i lost 6min on the bike altogther this was alright! Bring on the season. (without flats please).
Canberra ITU- 27 Jan 07
This was to be my first race as a pro. It was a sprint race (750/20/5) and I was very nervous. It was also going to be an afternoon race which was different from what i was used to- it was also going to be draft legal.
The swim was a bit of a square and a mass start with everyone lined up against the wall of lake burley griffin. It was furious and fast. I was completely lost right from the start- where did all that speed come from!?!?
So i didn't start out very well. I was way back right from the start. With 11:20 swim (told ya i was lost!) i was 1min back on the leaders already. But was excited at the prospect of being allowed to work with girls on the bike and so soon we created a small pack of 4 and another girl and i worked very well together and managed to close the gap on the main 2nd pack. The ride was a few laps of parks way from the Civic Pool roundabout to the roundabout infront of the war memorial. Unable to break away from this group we all went onto the run together about two minutes down on the leaders.
The run was along the foreshore, I had a steady run and managed to pass quite a few girls and come in with a 19:31. This put me into 10th place with an overall time of 1:05:04 which was 3minutes down from the winner but only about a minute and a half from 2nd place. So although i was bitterly dissapointed with my swim (which had actually been going quite well in training..) I had a pretty good chase and was happy with the outcome of my first pro race.
Next was Penrith Oceania Championships. Olympic Distance- more my cup of tea =)
The swim was a bit of a square and a mass start with everyone lined up against the wall of lake burley griffin. It was furious and fast. I was completely lost right from the start- where did all that speed come from!?!?
So i didn't start out very well. I was way back right from the start. With 11:20 swim (told ya i was lost!) i was 1min back on the leaders already. But was excited at the prospect of being allowed to work with girls on the bike and so soon we created a small pack of 4 and another girl and i worked very well together and managed to close the gap on the main 2nd pack. The ride was a few laps of parks way from the Civic Pool roundabout to the roundabout infront of the war memorial. Unable to break away from this group we all went onto the run together about two minutes down on the leaders.
The run was along the foreshore, I had a steady run and managed to pass quite a few girls and come in with a 19:31. This put me into 10th place with an overall time of 1:05:04 which was 3minutes down from the winner but only about a minute and a half from 2nd place. So although i was bitterly dissapointed with my swim (which had actually been going quite well in training..) I had a pretty good chase and was happy with the outcome of my first pro race.
Next was Penrith Oceania Championships. Olympic Distance- more my cup of tea =)
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Christmas 'Break'
After Newcastle i planned on having a small break from training. It had been a hard start to the season.. But with my attitude, uni finished and noone else taking much of a break i decided instead to smash myself with much success.
Ben and i decided after the way i had been racing lately it was time to step up, and i applied and received my professional racing licence. Because of this new motivation- and my first pro race in sight (Canberra Capital Triathlon) and seeing as i had all day everyday to do what ever i wanted- i trained. And got better and better until i started to fatigue but christmas break was coming so i coninued.
Over the break i went to adelaide to visit my grandparents and uncle for christmas (much to my delight my mum was also there!). I didn't bring my bike but i ran everyday morning and night along the beautiful stretch of beach to glenelg. I think this is where my sickness started somehow because this is where the cramps started. They wern't just small isolated cramps..they were all up my legs hammies and quads and they were painful. unlike the ones i would regularly get in training. It took awhile to recover because my legs were screaming in pain and lost all flexibility. Why dont i learn?
After a couple of days getting these cramps i did learn and decided to take the rest of the time i was in adelaide off so i was ready to come back to training when i returned.
After coming back i continued to train hard and had only one episode of the cramping whilst out riding.. I was worried by that stage but it turned out that would be the end of it and i figured i was just dehydrated.
In this time i also did my first cycling crit- B grade womens. I won it and was absolutely stoked! I loved this crit thing. I won $25 too (my entry fee back +$2 profit. More than i'd ever made before!) The next week i stepped up- A grade womens. I was stoked when entering that Canberra Cycling Club had decided to give me an Elite Cycling Licence for the season for free- promoting womens cyling. Awesome now i didn't have to pay 1 day licences! I was scared shitless at the start line but i did it...and WON! wow i couldn't belive it. I was srong though at this stage because of all the riding i had done over christmas. So I was into it and ready for the ITU junior race in Canberra.
Ben and i decided after the way i had been racing lately it was time to step up, and i applied and received my professional racing licence. Because of this new motivation- and my first pro race in sight (Canberra Capital Triathlon) and seeing as i had all day everyday to do what ever i wanted- i trained. And got better and better until i started to fatigue but christmas break was coming so i coninued.
Over the break i went to adelaide to visit my grandparents and uncle for christmas (much to my delight my mum was also there!). I didn't bring my bike but i ran everyday morning and night along the beautiful stretch of beach to glenelg. I think this is where my sickness started somehow because this is where the cramps started. They wern't just small isolated cramps..they were all up my legs hammies and quads and they were painful. unlike the ones i would regularly get in training. It took awhile to recover because my legs were screaming in pain and lost all flexibility. Why dont i learn?
After a couple of days getting these cramps i did learn and decided to take the rest of the time i was in adelaide off so i was ready to come back to training when i returned.
After coming back i continued to train hard and had only one episode of the cramping whilst out riding.. I was worried by that stage but it turned out that would be the end of it and i figured i was just dehydrated.
In this time i also did my first cycling crit- B grade womens. I won it and was absolutely stoked! I loved this crit thing. I won $25 too (my entry fee back +$2 profit. More than i'd ever made before!) The next week i stepped up- A grade womens. I was stoked when entering that Canberra Cycling Club had decided to give me an Elite Cycling Licence for the season for free- promoting womens cyling. Awesome now i didn't have to pay 1 day licences! I was scared shitless at the start line but i did it...and WON! wow i couldn't belive it. I was srong though at this stage because of all the riding i had done over christmas. So I was into it and ready for the ITU junior race in Canberra.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Newcastle Triathlon- 26 November 06
Anyway the morning of the race Jase Foley, Craig Simonetto and I made our 1 hr drive to the race at 0530 from Sonja’s place at Port Stevens. The weather had changed heaps since the day before- it was windy and overcast. The water even looked choppy and the current seemed to be going in the wrong direction to the one way swim we were about to do. The water was cold and it was once again made a wet suit swim.
My swim was better than it has been lately, as I managed to find some feet to sit on. We luckily weren’t going against the current- just the wind and the top water. The one way 1500m swim felt a lot longer than when you are going around buoys! Transition went smoothly- still need a bit of wetty taking off work but it was ok. Straight onto the bike and into the hill- which was a big hill don’t get me wrong,
My weakness of the race would have been the ride although it has brought to my attention that I need to swim 2 minutes faster. So for the next race I am going to increase my swimming. The next race is Canberra National Series race next year! So far away...
Nowra Triathlon- 11 November 06
I really wanted to have a good race here, because I knew I was in good shape from Noosa but I wanted to prove to myself it wasn’t a fluke and that I could do it again. I wasn’t that nervous though which I think is good- too many nerves are a waste of precious energy!!
The Swim: Wetsuit even though it was boiling outside! I thought I had an ok position but when we started I was in for a bit of a shock. Fortunately for me I am usually at the front of the swim with clear water in front and around me. This time though I mustn’t have had the speed and I got caught up in a big bunch (which I’m not used to at all and my hat comes off to everyone that has to deal with it all the time-it’s hard work!) with 2 girls really close to me either side and I sware they were converging into me. I was getting wacked left and right and my goggles got knocked off- a quick fix put them back on but I couldn’t swim like that for much longer I couldn’t breathe so by then I had had enough and moved to some clearer water but from all the fuss I missed the pack. And was quite behind…I gained some ground on the rest of the swim but was quite behind the leaders. T1 was ok- not good but ok- not a fan of wetsuits I have to admit. I felt a bit shaken from the swim actually and had some trouble getting it off but I jumped on the bike ok and was off.
The Ride: To be honest I didn’t feel so great in the first km of the bike. I was hurting like it was the last km, but I was so determined not to let Brooke beat me! (thanks Brookey!! ;) ) She was 30sec in front from the swim so I pushed to catch up to her and Brooke you were on a roll because it definitely wasn’t easy. I continued at a pretty steady pace until the first turnaround which was slightly before half way. It was a very undulating course, definitely not flat but no big hills- great for getting into the TT position and just letting loose. At the turnaround I saw that there was one girl quite a bit ahead and she looked to be going great so I was pretty much accepting that I wouldn’t catch her. There was another 2 back a bit from her and possibly in my reach. Plus there was another right behind me, I knew Brooke was back there somewhere and yep- here comes Michelle. Right that was the turning point. If I wanted any chance at beating Michelle (I wasn’t actually thinking about overall places at all at this stage!) I was going to have to move my ass right now. So I did. I just took off… I had a Gu (which really helped!) and smashed it. Thankyou to Davey Hamer who gave some awesome encouragement along the way… And it did the job cos I didn’t slow down after that… I passed the 2 girls that were in front and I started to wonder how much further in front this other girl was… Sure enough we were less than 5km out and there she was- I flew past her and was thinking wow I must have really smashed that 2nd half! Anyway into T2 and I had 10sec on her. In transition all the commentator could say was how this Lisa girl had given Belinda Granger a run for her money the weekend before and ‘this girl can run!!’ Great- I was thinking with a sigh- I am about to be smashed.
The Run: Sure enough about probably less than a km out of T2 and she passed me. I got a stitch pretty soon after and was running basically the whole way with my fingers dug into my side… at least I could keep running that way! I kept her at the most about 150m away…then at about 6/7km my stitch went away! Awesome. So I pulled my fingers out of my side, stood up straighter and increased my pace. She was getting closer. Wow- I could actually get her! It was probably a good thing I could concentrate on catching this girl in front of me because it took my mind off everything else. I finally reached her and we had just reached the downhill with about 2km to go. I just let go and ran. I was totally expecting her to sit with me and demolish me at the end but she really didn’t sit with me for too long I didn’t look back…there was the bridge… I was just thinking I am so close- just go!! Across the bridge, round the corner and there was the finish with the banner!! It felt so good! She didn’t come in until 30sec later! That was my first National Series Overall Win and it felt so good…you should try it some time. Haha. My time in the end was 2.13.11 which I was more than happy with… Next up is Newcastle 26th November.
The Swim: Wetsuit even though it was boiling outside! I thought I had an ok position but when we started I was in for a bit of a shock. Fortunately for me I am usually at the front of the swim with clear water in front and around me. This time though I mustn’t have had the speed and I got caught up in a big bunch (which I’m not used to at all and my hat comes off to everyone that has to deal with it all the time-it’s hard work!) with 2 girls really close to me either side and I sware they were converging into me. I was getting wacked left and right and my goggles got knocked off- a quick fix put them back on but I couldn’t swim like that for much longer I couldn’t breathe so by then I had had enough and moved to some clearer water but from all the fuss I missed the pack. And was quite behind…I gained some ground on the rest of the swim but was quite behind the leaders. T1 was ok- not good but ok- not a fan of wetsuits I have to admit. I felt a bit shaken from the swim actually and had some trouble getting it off but I jumped on the bike ok and was off.
The Ride: To be honest I didn’t feel so great in the first km of the bike. I was hurting like it was the last km, but I was so determined not to let Brooke beat me! (thanks Brookey!! ;) ) She was 30sec in front from the swim so I pushed to catch up to her and Brooke you were on a roll because it definitely wasn’t easy. I continued at a pretty steady pace until the first turnaround which was slightly before half way. It was a very undulating course, definitely not flat but no big hills- great for getting into the TT position and just letting loose. At the turnaround I saw that there was one girl quite a bit ahead and she looked to be going great so I was pretty much accepting that I wouldn’t catch her. There was another 2 back a bit from her and possibly in my reach. Plus there was another right behind me, I knew Brooke was back there somewhere and yep- here comes Michelle. Right that was the turning point. If I wanted any chance at beating Michelle (I wasn’t actually thinking about overall places at all at this stage!) I was going to have to move my ass right now. So I did. I just took off… I had a Gu (which really helped!) and smashed it. Thankyou to Davey Hamer who gave some awesome encouragement along the way… And it did the job cos I didn’t slow down after that… I passed the 2 girls that were in front and I started to wonder how much further in front this other girl was… Sure enough we were less than 5km out and there she was- I flew past her and was thinking wow I must have really smashed that 2nd half! Anyway into T2 and I had 10sec on her. In transition all the commentator could say was how this Lisa girl had given Belinda Granger a run for her money the weekend before and ‘this girl can run!!’ Great- I was thinking with a sigh- I am about to be smashed.
The Run: Sure enough about probably less than a km out of T2 and she passed me. I got a stitch pretty soon after and was running basically the whole way with my fingers dug into my side… at least I could keep running that way! I kept her at the most about 150m away…then at about 6/7km my stitch went away! Awesome. So I pulled my fingers out of my side, stood up straighter and increased my pace. She was getting closer. Wow- I could actually get her! It was probably a good thing I could concentrate on catching this girl in front of me because it took my mind off everything else. I finally reached her and we had just reached the downhill with about 2km to go. I just let go and ran. I was totally expecting her to sit with me and demolish me at the end but she really didn’t sit with me for too long I didn’t look back…there was the bridge… I was just thinking I am so close- just go!! Across the bridge, round the corner and there was the finish with the banner!! It felt so good! She didn’t come in until 30sec later! That was my first National Series Overall Win and it felt so good…you should try it some time. Haha. My time in the end was 2.13.11 which I was more than happy with… Next up is Newcastle 26th November.
Noosa Triathlon- 29 October 06

Brooke & I did the ocean water swim as a bit of a warm up the day before. It was good fun. Quite rough though!
We knew it was going to be a big race before we even left home but wow- it was huge with 3500 competitors – 3rd biggest race in the world! Transition was hectic with 13 long rows of age group plus open and elite, and they were so close together I was worried about getting the bike through! Despite the temperature being in the 30’s and the water feeling great it was made a wetsuit swim! (??!) Luckily we had all brought wetsuits except for Craig who doesn’t actually own one (but for good reasons haha – you’ve gotta ask him about that one) but he ended up having a killer swim without it anyway ;)
Brooke and I were off at 0755 which was 16-19, 20-24 and two older age gps. We were a bit behind the guys. We had an awesome swim- which evened out slowly if not at all because of all the competitors that were in the water from the other waves. I was really happy with the swim actually I was swimming next to 2 girls for a bit before taking the lead. I felt quite strong and although I couldn’t see them I was pretty sure there were girls on my feet. After the probably slightly long swim was 1st out of the water with another girl behind me and Brooke behind her. Wet suit off- not so quickly unfortunately but I’ll work on it- and straight onto the bike.
Brooke and I were off at 0755 which was 16-19, 20-24 and two older age gps. We were a bit behind the guys. We had an awesome swim- which evened out slowly if not at all because of all the competitors that were in the water from the other waves. I was really happy with the swim actually I was swimming next to 2 girls for a bit before taking the lead. I felt quite strong and although I couldn’t see them I was pretty sure there were girls on my feet. After the probably slightly long swim was 1st out of the water with another girl behind me and Brooke behind her. Wet suit off- not so quickly unfortunately but I’ll work on it- and straight onto the bike.

I just wanted to smash it… so I did. I was off right from the word go. I passed quite a few people which just motivated me even more I felt good J. I knew Noosa was a draft fest and I was ready to play the game but for the first half there just weren’t any packs and I was riding strong passing people anyway so I went on solo up the big hill- which really wasn’t too steep at all, I was able to sit in my big chain ring the whole way, but It was long. It wasn’t until a bit over half way that a massive pack caught me- which I guess was a good thing- but sure enough there was Brooke! (You smashed it girl!) It did get to me a bit that I had been killing it for the first half by myself then along came the pack but oh well you get that.. We got to the huge decent (where I reached 91km/hr in the pre race ride!!) And I had to give the boys a bit of a talking to (or should I say yelling at) after I almost got knocked off from some careless riding in the race which resulted in having to use the brakes and only making 87km/h in the race but thankfully there were no stacks and it was ok… anyway, the pace and carelessness was annoying me quite a bit so I decided that was enough and tried to break away- without much luck the pack just drafted off the back. That went on for the rest of the ride- me and a few others just wanted to get away and we would for a bit but the pack would just form again on the back. Despite this I was delighted with the ride because I had worked hard and we came in on 1.05! Very happy.
Brooke and I went through transition together and took off for the run. I desperately wanted to have a good run because I had done a lot of training and I just wanted to make up for Switzerland. So I pushed it along- and I learnt the hard way why it is a good idea to have 2 sets of shoes – one for training and one for racing. I ran in my Asics Kayano’s which are heavy to start with but with all the water being sprayed at you on the course (which was a god send) and all the drink stations (also gladly welcomed) - me pouring water everywhere- they put on about 5 kg!! I’ll stop complaining though and yes I had a god run in about 40mins. And that made me come in with 2.09.45!!! I learnt later that it was the top female age group time by about 5 mins and (I was very proud of this bit) I would have come 8th in Elite (haha- yes there were 11 in the race and 3 DNF’s but what that means is that I would have beat 1 girl! Bring on the pro races!)
In Elite- Felicity Abram 1st, Luxford 2nd, Snowsill 3rd .In the men Craig Walton smashed it, Bevan Dockarty 2nd, Gemmel 3rd. Azza Farlow came in 7th which was awesome.
Partied and soaked up the sun on Sunday and Monday & back to Canberra on Tuesday… (sigh- didn’t want to leave the sunshine coast!) But not long till we’re off again for Nowra which is the next one on the agenda…till then,
Switzerland 2006 World Championships
Firstly Switzerland is a magnificent country. Absolutely beautiful! A few national identities: Green Mountains, water, cows, cheese & chocolate (very deadly), watches, coo-koo-clocks, and swiss army knives. That just about sums it up.
I arrived in Lausanne on Monday 27 August- a few days before the race which was on Saturday. I thought I was going to have to acclimatize to a temperature somewhat hotter than the Canberra winter but it turns out it was cold, overcast and raining…..with a temperature and climate somewhat like….yep Canberra. It turns out I had been training in perfect weather for preparation for Switzerland. Excellent- Just the way I like it (!!?). (Although that was only the first couple of days- it was much nicer by wed arvo for the whole rest of the trip- sunny and in the 20’s). I trained with the Auzzie team swimming in wetsuits (wasn’t happy with that one) in Lake Geneva, cycling the course with Police escorts, and running the very flat 4 x 2.5km lap run course along the waterfront.
I was struck unlucky on Wednesday when watching the aquathon (which in the women’s we took out 1st and 2nd). I ate a chicken kebab which unfortunately didn’t sit well and before I knew it I had my head in the bowl and was spewing my guts up. Thursday was recovery day literally. Friday was much the same while trying to get some food and training in.
Saturday finally came around- it was a very late starting race for us age groupers. My wave started at 2pm. Which was different to the 7-8am starts that we usually have! The transition was the longest transition I had ever seen! It was 800m one way- all the bikes lined up along one road. But it was worse than that- not only did we have to run up it one way but they decided we would also run back. So T1 ended up being 1600m- which is no wonder people were all caught up wondering whether we should take off our wetsuits as soon as we got out of the water or after about 1200m of the transition.
The start was deep water- holding onto an extended pontoon. The waves were so far apart there was no one else in the water. The horn blew and we were off- I had a good swim actually. From very early there were 3 of us out the front but really spread out. One girl started pulling away and I really wanted to go with her but she was far out to the right and I thought she would have to come into the centre where I was, to go around the buoy but by the time we got to the buoy she was already too far in front. I should have moved out to the right to catch her though. Anyway after half way I was sitting in 3rd – I had no idea if anyone was drafting off me or not I felt pretty alone. But it turned out there was a girl behind me who picked up the pace when we were coming into the last 200m. We pretty much came out together. I ended up taking my wetsuit off as soon as I could- before the huge run- which proved to be a good idea. After running the 1.6km transition and having an awesome one- I came out 2nd. My ride started really well. It was a 4 lap course with a nice 10.5 gradient hill plus another hill straight after it. In the practices it really wasn’t too bad but in the race- by the 4th one I had had enough. I started feeling the gut about half way into the ride when I thought about taking my Gu. After attempting to take it-without much success (i just couldn’t stomach it) - I just faded. My stomach was churning and I couldn’t stop burping!! I got passed by a Claire Goldsmith (Auzzie who ended up coming 2nd in 20-24) and Michelle soon after on the last lap of the bike. But by then I was feeling pretty sick and weak (my lack of food the past few days had taken its toll) so I couldn’t respond and just kept ‘plodding’ along.
T2 and as soon as I jumped off the bike and started to run my gut cramped and I was thinking awesome… I haven’t even started the 10km and I’m about to vomit!! Anyway I hadn’t come to Lausanne and trained my ass off for the last few months for nothing and said to myself I was going to keep going until I finished even if I did need to spew a few times along the way (which thankfully didn’t happen). And I did finish and for that I was very proud- during the run I seriously didn’t know whether I would end up finishing. The beauty of age group racing- I had no idea where I was coming. As I suspected I was sick as soon as I stopped after the finish line. (Sorry for having to witness that shell!). When they told me I had won I couldn’t believe it! To be honest I was thinking what happened to the rest of them!? I was just lucky I was in such great shape compared to my age group before I got to Switzerland and the race. I was disappointed with my times because I know I could have gone faster. But it’s all experience and there really isn’t much you can do about it. I did learn though not to eat chicken kebabs close to a race next time. Compared to Hawaii- the beach, the sun and the life along the coast so close to the race sight was awesome and there was a much bigger tridents team in Hawaii. Although Steve, Rach, Shell and I had an awesome time it is always good to have a big team and lots of people you know. (So everyone… hint hint worlds is in Hamburg, Germany next year). But anyway… it was a beautiful country (with lots of hills that we had to walk up to get anywhere although we did discover the buses by the end)- for anyone thinking about going to Europe- it is a mixture of Germany, France and Italy- you get the best of all of them.
So whats next? Noosa 29 October- can’t wait!
Kat ;)
I arrived in Lausanne on Monday 27 August- a few days before the race which was on Saturday. I thought I was going to have to acclimatize to a temperature somewhat hotter than the Canberra winter but it turns out it was cold, overcast and raining…..with a temperature and climate somewhat like….yep Canberra. It turns out I had been training in perfect weather for preparation for Switzerland. Excellent- Just the way I like it (!!?). (Although that was only the first couple of days- it was much nicer by wed arvo for the whole rest of the trip- sunny and in the 20’s). I trained with the Auzzie team swimming in wetsuits (wasn’t happy with that one) in Lake Geneva, cycling the course with Police escorts, and running the very flat 4 x 2.5km lap run course along the waterfront.
I was struck unlucky on Wednesday when watching the aquathon (which in the women’s we took out 1st and 2nd). I ate a chicken kebab which unfortunately didn’t sit well and before I knew it I had my head in the bowl and was spewing my guts up. Thursday was recovery day literally. Friday was much the same while trying to get some food and training in.
Saturday finally came around- it was a very late starting race for us age groupers. My wave started at 2pm. Which was different to the 7-8am starts that we usually have! The transition was the longest transition I had ever seen! It was 800m one way- all the bikes lined up along one road. But it was worse than that- not only did we have to run up it one way but they decided we would also run back. So T1 ended up being 1600m- which is no wonder people were all caught up wondering whether we should take off our wetsuits as soon as we got out of the water or after about 1200m of the transition.
The start was deep water- holding onto an extended pontoon. The waves were so far apart there was no one else in the water. The horn blew and we were off- I had a good swim actually. From very early there were 3 of us out the front but really spread out. One girl started pulling away and I really wanted to go with her but she was far out to the right and I thought she would have to come into the centre where I was, to go around the buoy but by the time we got to the buoy she was already too far in front. I should have moved out to the right to catch her though. Anyway after half way I was sitting in 3rd – I had no idea if anyone was drafting off me or not I felt pretty alone. But it turned out there was a girl behind me who picked up the pace when we were coming into the last 200m. We pretty much came out together. I ended up taking my wetsuit off as soon as I could- before the huge run- which proved to be a good idea. After running the 1.6km transition and having an awesome one- I came out 2nd. My ride started really well. It was a 4 lap course with a nice 10.5 gradient hill plus another hill straight after it. In the practices it really wasn’t too bad but in the race- by the 4th one I had had enough. I started feeling the gut about half way into the ride when I thought about taking my Gu. After attempting to take it-without much success (i just couldn’t stomach it) - I just faded. My stomach was churning and I couldn’t stop burping!! I got passed by a Claire Goldsmith (Auzzie who ended up coming 2nd in 20-24) and Michelle soon after on the last lap of the bike. But by then I was feeling pretty sick and weak (my lack of food the past few days had taken its toll) so I couldn’t respond and just kept ‘plodding’ along.
T2 and as soon as I jumped off the bike and started to run my gut cramped and I was thinking awesome… I haven’t even started the 10km and I’m about to vomit!! Anyway I hadn’t come to Lausanne and trained my ass off for the last few months for nothing and said to myself I was going to keep going until I finished even if I did need to spew a few times along the way (which thankfully didn’t happen). And I did finish and for that I was very proud- during the run I seriously didn’t know whether I would end up finishing. The beauty of age group racing- I had no idea where I was coming. As I suspected I was sick as soon as I stopped after the finish line. (Sorry for having to witness that shell!). When they told me I had won I couldn’t believe it! To be honest I was thinking what happened to the rest of them!? I was just lucky I was in such great shape compared to my age group before I got to Switzerland and the race. I was disappointed with my times because I know I could have gone faster. But it’s all experience and there really isn’t much you can do about it. I did learn though not to eat chicken kebabs close to a race next time. Compared to Hawaii- the beach, the sun and the life along the coast so close to the race sight was awesome and there was a much bigger tridents team in Hawaii. Although Steve, Rach, Shell and I had an awesome time it is always good to have a big team and lots of people you know. (So everyone… hint hint worlds is in Hamburg, Germany next year). But anyway… it was a beautiful country (with lots of hills that we had to walk up to get anywhere although we did discover the buses by the end)- for anyone thinking about going to Europe- it is a mixture of Germany, France and Italy- you get the best of all of them.
So whats next? Noosa 29 October- can’t wait!
Kat ;)
The Break
This one is only short but i just want to say who takes a month long break from swimming, riding and running? Jeeze. I think it was the hardest thing i ever did.
My times for the 2005/06 Season.
1. Darwin Arafura Games 2.27
2. Hawaii World Champs 2.26
3. Port Stephens 2.20.48
4. Mooloolaba 2.10.04
5. Geelong 2.16.46
I had a fantastic season and couldn't wait to get into it again. The next stop was Switzerland for the 2006 World Championships!!
My times for the 2005/06 Season.
1. Darwin Arafura Games 2.27
2. Hawaii World Champs 2.26
3. Port Stephens 2.20.48
4. Mooloolaba 2.10.04
5. Geelong 2.16.46
I had a fantastic season and couldn't wait to get into it again. The next stop was Switzerland for the 2006 World Championships!!
Geelong Triathlon- 16 April 06

Last race of the season. It was a nice chilly weekend in Geelong on the Friday and Saturday raining on and off and I was worried, despite the assurance of the weather man that it was not going to rain on Sunday, that it would rain during if not before the race, making the roads wet- worst fear! But as we should all trust the weather man- it didn’t rain. I was pleased when I woke up on Sunday morning and went off for my run that it didn’t seem too cold and the roads were dry! Returned from my run to the family (I was staying with my friend Hailey and her family) waiting to start the easter egg hunt- so we went off and did that- my amusement for the day.
Had breakfast, packed the car and headed off to the transition. I was staying about 20mins out from the waterfront. Put the bike in transition- we had nametags which is always handy, contemplated wearing arm warmers and decided against it- seeing as it would be my legs that needed the help anyway not my arms. My wave was to start 16 mins after the start- 16-19 and 20-24 together, I would be starting with Shell and Brooke. We waited down at the warf and were contemplating weather or not to do a warm up (because more than likely it would be more of a cool down!!) we decided we would do a quick one about 5 mins before our start. Took our gu’s and jumped in the water- it was cold no doubt about it but I decided it was all in my head, and with a bit of pee I had been saving, continued to warm up…haha. (a little trick I learnt was perfectly acceptable when doing a scuba diving course in Victoria a few years ago and it works so no frowning on it).
We lined up- and were off. I have to say it was the hardest start I have ever had. Usually I have no trouble sprinting off with the faster swimmers and getting into a rhythem but this race I had a lot of trouble getting away and got the knocks and even managed to get swum over from behind before I decided that was enough and accelerated a bit. It wasn’t long before people started to ‘die’ a bit and I was in clear water. I managed to loose the leaders to my disappointment but plodded along by myself. I was told I came out of the water about 6th .
I had a shocking transition- as did everyone I think- cold hands and feet had trouble getting off the wetty but once I was off I was ready to smash it. I took off, had my feet in and was chasing straight away. I had 5 girls to chase down. Passed the first one straight away and was going past a lot quicker than what she was riding- she did put up a fight and came from behind to pass me (I was surprised!) but soon slowed down and I passed her and never saw her again. The next 2 came together and I didn’t see them again either. The last one wasn’t too far after them. (I didn’t actually realize she was the last one until I finished the bike- I was expecting another one but realized I must have passed her in transition1) The return leg of the bike was hard with the headwind and I was worried every second that shell and liz would come from behind. Liz did end up passing me along the way but my stubbornness got me once again in front of her- not by much though but enough. My transition 2 was very good I thought- nice and quick.
I went out onto the run 1st after a good ride and transition. I
was expecting Liz to come up to me and sit on me the whole way in a repeat of Mooloolaba but she never came and I ended up doing most of the first lap by myself. Shell caught me a bit after 4 km. I wanted to go with her but I can’t run. I know it and I will work on it- it will come. I cant be disappointed because already it has improved so much so I am happy.
In the last lap some girls passed me and I was so stressed out about not coming 2nd to shell (after when she passed me gave some encouragement to hold on and get 2nd) that I picked up the pace and stuck by them, when reaching the chute I saw them veer off left (they had another lap to go!!!!) I ran through the finish to the announcer saying I had come 2nd! I was definitely happy with that!! Actually the first thing that came into my head was free uniform for worlds!! Yes! The next thought was shit my knee (ITB friction was killing me) third thought was shit my foot (I had a 2 great big nice blisters firmly planted on the outside and inside of my step- I had no way of avoiding them!)
Overall though I was happy. I finished with 2.16.46. I wish I could run but it will come I know it. Good 1st season I honestly can’t complain.
Had breakfast, packed the car and headed off to the transition. I was staying about 20mins out from the waterfront. Put the bike in transition- we had nametags which is always handy, contemplated wearing arm warmers and decided against it- seeing as it would be my legs that needed the help anyway not my arms. My wave was to start 16 mins after the start- 16-19 and 20-24 together, I would be starting with Shell and Brooke. We waited down at the warf and were contemplating weather or not to do a warm up (because more than likely it would be more of a cool down!!) we decided we would do a quick one about 5 mins before our start. Took our gu’s and jumped in the water- it was cold no doubt about it but I decided it was all in my head, and with a bit of pee I had been saving, continued to warm up…haha. (a little trick I learnt was perfectly acceptable when doing a scuba diving course in Victoria a few years ago and it works so no frowning on it).
We lined up- and were off. I have to say it was the hardest start I have ever had. Usually I have no trouble sprinting off with the faster swimmers and getting into a rhythem but this race I had a lot of trouble getting away and got the knocks and even managed to get swum over from behind before I decided that was enough and accelerated a bit. It wasn’t long before people started to ‘die’ a bit and I was in clear water. I managed to loose the leaders to my disappointment but plodded along by myself. I was told I came out of the water about 6th .
I had a shocking transition- as did everyone I think- cold hands and feet had trouble getting off the wetty but once I was off I was ready to smash it. I took off, had my feet in and was chasing straight away. I had 5 girls to chase down. Passed the first one straight away and was going past a lot quicker than what she was riding- she did put up a fight and came from behind to pass me (I was surprised!) but soon slowed down and I passed her and never saw her again. The next 2 came together and I didn’t see them again either. The last one wasn’t too far after them. (I didn’t actually realize she was the last one until I finished the bike- I was expecting another one but realized I must have passed her in transition1) The return leg of the bike was hard with the headwind and I was worried every second that shell and liz would come from behind. Liz did end up passing me along the way but my stubbornness got me once again in front of her- not by much though but enough. My transition 2 was very good I thought- nice and quick.
I went out onto the run 1st after a good ride and transition. I

In the last lap some girls passed me and I was so stressed out about not coming 2nd to shell (after when she passed me gave some encouragement to hold on and get 2nd) that I picked up the pace and stuck by them, when reaching the chute I saw them veer off left (they had another lap to go!!!!) I ran through the finish to the announcer saying I had come 2nd! I was definitely happy with that!! Actually the first thing that came into my head was free uniform for worlds!! Yes! The next thought was shit my knee (ITB friction was killing me) third thought was shit my foot (I had a 2 great big nice blisters firmly planted on the outside and inside of my step- I had no way of avoiding them!)
Overall though I was happy. I finished with 2.16.46. I wish I could run but it will come I know it. Good 1st season I honestly can’t complain.
Mooloolaba Triathlon- 26 March 06

Flew up to Brisbane at 0700 on Saturday, and was met by a friend and taken back to her house in Brisbane. The weather was beautiful!! Despite wanting to leave straight away, she assured me it would be better to leave later because the traffic was bad heading up to the coast that time of day. We ended up going shopping and leaving about 1230.
Arriving just before 2, I quickly unpacked my bike (getting good at that now!!) and rode down to the registration, which was about a 30min bike ride away. Once there I tried to ride the course quite unsuccessfully because I didn’t really know where it was. I registered and then took my bike into compulsory night before transition which I wasn’t very happy with actually because much to my disappointment the females had not been put into age categories unlike the men, and had been shafted to the far side of transition completely out of the way and a detour from entries and exits. I then helped Michelle put her bike in transition and watched the criterion which was quite exciting. Whilst doing that (I always was good at doing two things at once!) I bought an orca tri suit- which I have wanted to get for ever!
Anyway that night I went to sunshine plaza with my friend and had pasta for dinner sitting alongside the river- I have never seen a mall built on top of a river before- it is awesome! I stayed at my friends grandma’s place that night- went to bed about 930-10.
Arriving just before 2, I quickly unpacked my bike (getting good at that now!!) and rode down to the registration, which was about a 30min bike ride away. Once there I tried to ride the course quite unsuccessfully because I didn’t really know where it was. I registered and then took my bike into compulsory night before transition which I wasn’t very happy with actually because much to my disappointment the females had not been put into age categories unlike the men, and had been shafted to the far side of transition completely out of the way and a detour from entries and exits. I then helped Michelle put her bike in transition and watched the criterion which was quite exciting. Whilst doing that (I always was good at doing two things at once!) I bought an orca tri suit- which I have wanted to get for ever!
Anyway that night I went to sunshine plaza with my friend and had pasta for dinner sitting alongside the river- I have never seen a mall built on top of a river before- it is awesome! I stayed at my friends grandma’s place that night- went to bed about 930-10.

Up at 0445, run for 20mins, breakfast, shower and left at 0530. Transition and marking at 545-615 they were running slightly late. We then headed down to the river where the swim was to take place- about 500-700m away from transition- because of the cyclones they decided not to have a beach swim (I was actually looking forward t it though). My wave was 5th. Start was standing in shallows and was quite clean. I got right up the front straight away. Was following one girl for about 100m before she must have died and dropped back. I then, with a very steady pace took my own lead. There was a huge current moving everyone left off the course so I intentionally (due to Brooke and my reasoning) swum very right- seemingly off course but it worked perfectly and I don’t think we ended up too far off course at all. Swim time ended up being 19mins so it really wasn’t too bad!!

I came out of the water with another girl at my heels. Transition was good and quick- I took a short cut across the grass to minimize my detour of a transition spot and was out quite quickly. The ride was interesting. 2/3 girls passed me early on but I think they started off too hard too quick because not too soon after I had passed 2 of them. I could always see the 3rd in front of me. It was a draft fest- Michelle wasn’t wrong. Many big packs did pass. I got caught in some, before the draft busters came along and broke them up. Generally however I remained relatively by myself. I did have a nice conversation about felts with one guy.
The course was so incredibly boring! One hill at the start then flat the entire way out and back!! I just pumped along. Probably at a bit of a higher gear than I should have but I was feeling very good- and I really don’t mind flat courses. I finished the ride in 1:06. It did feel like a good ride and there was nothing to slow me down. I came off the ride still behind the girl. Onto the run- I felt really really good at the start and got into it straight away! I passed the girl and well she stuck at my heels for ages. Then she dropped off and I still felt really good. I stayed in that position, passing some guys (something I am totally not used to doing!) It was at the turn around of the second lap I think where I massively began to feel it. I must have slowed quite a bit because then that girl came back and was at my heels again, I decided I didn’t like that so I dropped back, and when realizing she also dropped back so I kept going. She picked it up with about 1km to go and I just didn’t have enough in me to keep up. She ended up getting me, I did 41:54.

Overall though I had a killer race. 2:10:04!!! Mega impressed! I did have a very good swim and ride and my run was also quite good for me. Didn’t feel too bad at the end, and managed to take the timing chip off myself! (I always know how buggered I am whether or not I can manage to take the chip off or not!) So I think there are lots more to come! Especially in Geelong!
Port Stephens Triathlon- 12 March 06
Well it started off not that good after changing plans from driving up with danealle on Sat to driving myself on Fri after my classes. This was ok except for when I started getting lost. I think it was probably about 6 calls to Sonja by the end. But I did make it!!
Anyway Saturday was lots of fun. We decided we would do an 8 o’clock start on the bike- ride from Sonja’s house to the race start and do one lap of the bike course. We did that and it seemed like it was going to be fast- very flat, with one steep hill that just jumps up at you, but luckily it wasn’t long. After we did that we had a coffee (essential after all that hard work) then beach time!! We went and swam some surfed and boogie boarded, made a sand castle and buried Olivia and Phil.
After getting a bit too burnt (Me and Jason) we headed back for lunch. Then went to the race rego. Sat around for a bit, and went back for a massive restaurant style dinner of spaghetti, garlic bread, salad and ice cream at Sonja’s place with all the Canberra guys (everyone had now arrived), that she had cooked beautifully. (Thanks Sonja!). Anyway the race.
We headed down at 6am after running and having breakie at home. The transition was very long! We put in our bikes, listened to the brief and headed down to the start- all the girls were to go at 7:30, males 35+ at 7:40 and males 35 &U 7:45. It was a deep water start and was so confusing, we didn’t exactly know where to start, and without warning when to start!
I managed to get a good posi in the swim, in the lead pack, but still behind an elite girl who had gone solo right at the start- she was flying (in the water)!! I stayed there doing a bit of the work fo awhile until the girls started going in the wrong direction!! I thought they were going to the wrong byoy and didn’t really want to go more than I had to so started swimming the other way (the right direction), I did start to get ahead until they realized they were going the wrong way and came storming back but because of the angle much to my disappointment I missed them and never caught up again, but wasn’t far off.
The swim-bike transition was long, and running on a road that wasn’t great but anyway I had a good transition. I caught a lot of the girls who were in that lead pack in the swim. My bike leg was awesome, I felt very strong and caught another few girls and was coming 4th for almost all of it. I started the run in 4th and kept it for a long time! But in the last few k’s another girl passed me, she was running well. So in the end I finished 5th overall Female, but it turns out 2 of the lead girls were pro’s so they didn’t count in the point score. Well it didn’t matter anyway they weren’t in my age group- it turns out I was the only one! But I was happy with the fact that my time would have been 2nd in 20-24 age gp too. I got 2.20.48 it turns out the swim was extra long at 2.2km!! (32min), bike I got 1.09 and to my utter amazement my run was 39.15!!! I was ecstatic with that!!!
Anyway Saturday was lots of fun. We decided we would do an 8 o’clock start on the bike- ride from Sonja’s house to the race start and do one lap of the bike course. We did that and it seemed like it was going to be fast- very flat, with one steep hill that just jumps up at you, but luckily it wasn’t long. After we did that we had a coffee (essential after all that hard work) then beach time!! We went and swam some surfed and boogie boarded, made a sand castle and buried Olivia and Phil.
After getting a bit too burnt (Me and Jason) we headed back for lunch. Then went to the race rego. Sat around for a bit, and went back for a massive restaurant style dinner of spaghetti, garlic bread, salad and ice cream at Sonja’s place with all the Canberra guys (everyone had now arrived), that she had cooked beautifully. (Thanks Sonja!). Anyway the race.
We headed down at 6am after running and having breakie at home. The transition was very long! We put in our bikes, listened to the brief and headed down to the start- all the girls were to go at 7:30, males 35+ at 7:40 and males 35 &U 7:45. It was a deep water start and was so confusing, we didn’t exactly know where to start, and without warning when to start!
I managed to get a good posi in the swim, in the lead pack, but still behind an elite girl who had gone solo right at the start- she was flying (in the water)!! I stayed there doing a bit of the work fo awhile until the girls started going in the wrong direction!! I thought they were going to the wrong byoy and didn’t really want to go more than I had to so started swimming the other way (the right direction), I did start to get ahead until they realized they were going the wrong way and came storming back but because of the angle much to my disappointment I missed them and never caught up again, but wasn’t far off.
The swim-bike transition was long, and running on a road that wasn’t great but anyway I had a good transition. I caught a lot of the girls who were in that lead pack in the swim. My bike leg was awesome, I felt very strong and caught another few girls and was coming 4th for almost all of it. I started the run in 4th and kept it for a long time! But in the last few k’s another girl passed me, she was running well. So in the end I finished 5th overall Female, but it turns out 2 of the lead girls were pro’s so they didn’t count in the point score. Well it didn’t matter anyway they weren’t in my age group- it turns out I was the only one! But I was happy with the fact that my time would have been 2nd in 20-24 age gp too. I got 2.20.48 it turns out the swim was extra long at 2.2km!! (32min), bike I got 1.09 and to my utter amazement my run was 39.15!!! I was ecstatic with that!!!
Luke Harrop Memorial- Gold Coast 5 March 06
I retuned to Canberra and well, while most of the Hawaii team had a break I was right back into it. (But not running. I was going to heal my shin splints once and for all. I took 3 months off running. Yep it really was that long. It sure doesn’t feel like it now! The first time I ran properly was in January at singleton (While i was out bush with ADFA). I ran lots there and boy did it help me. It was an awesome time for my running. I didn’t wanna stop now!!
Anyway somewhere along there I went to Malaysia for Christmas and saw my family. Then I went out bush again. It was hard during that time because at the same time I was in hard training- well trying to be. It was so frustrating when I would get so fit- able to keep up with shell and then nope I would have to leave for a month. Then I would come back and no matter how hard I tried and how much I tried to deny being unfit- I was. And I knew it. I would finally get some fitness back and would be gone again.
Anyway after Christmas, I returned kind of early. I had very itchy feet and just wanted to train. So much determination. So I did. Lots and lots. I was staying in Tuggers too- my ride benefited from that. The first race was approaching and so was my bush ex. Anyway I left the day b4 the Canberra race. I wanted to do it so bad but no. Bush was fun- as I said b4 I ran…lots. It felt soooooooo good. I returned, and had already missed 3 of the series. 3!! I was so annoyed. That was half the season over already and I hadn’t started yet. But I had entered every race after that. Including sprint on the Gold Coast- Luke Harrop. I was a bit annoyed when I realized sri chmmony was also on that weekend- I had no idea. But I thought it would be a good intro to the season starting with a sprint.
I got there and to my disappointment it was canceled due to bad weather. What!?! It was bad though. Anyway us and the Jr’s still had a swim, run. And I did well. 2 girls younger than me beat me on the run. They were good. Anyway it turns out that my time would have been the first Auzzie jr home. I was 10sec off Kiwi Rebecca Spence. The announcers were saying when she crossed the line- “she is amazing, she is going to be big! We have been looking for the new Erin Baker, and I think this is her”. I was ecstatic when I realized my time was so close. I should have done Jr!? No, I like Olympic dist better- and its giving me an advantage for later. The next race was Port Stevens.
Anyway somewhere along there I went to Malaysia for Christmas and saw my family. Then I went out bush again. It was hard during that time because at the same time I was in hard training- well trying to be. It was so frustrating when I would get so fit- able to keep up with shell and then nope I would have to leave for a month. Then I would come back and no matter how hard I tried and how much I tried to deny being unfit- I was. And I knew it. I would finally get some fitness back and would be gone again.
Anyway after Christmas, I returned kind of early. I had very itchy feet and just wanted to train. So much determination. So I did. Lots and lots. I was staying in Tuggers too- my ride benefited from that. The first race was approaching and so was my bush ex. Anyway I left the day b4 the Canberra race. I wanted to do it so bad but no. Bush was fun- as I said b4 I ran…lots. It felt soooooooo good. I returned, and had already missed 3 of the series. 3!! I was so annoyed. That was half the season over already and I hadn’t started yet. But I had entered every race after that. Including sprint on the Gold Coast- Luke Harrop. I was a bit annoyed when I realized sri chmmony was also on that weekend- I had no idea. But I thought it would be a good intro to the season starting with a sprint.
I got there and to my disappointment it was canceled due to bad weather. What!?! It was bad though. Anyway us and the Jr’s still had a swim, run. And I did well. 2 girls younger than me beat me on the run. They were good. Anyway it turns out that my time would have been the first Auzzie jr home. I was 10sec off Kiwi Rebecca Spence. The announcers were saying when she crossed the line- “she is amazing, she is going to be big! We have been looking for the new Erin Baker, and I think this is her”. I was ecstatic when I realized my time was so close. I should have done Jr!? No, I like Olympic dist better- and its giving me an advantage for later. The next race was Port Stevens.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Hawaii Age Group World Championships 2005

I was struck unlucky though because i developed my first lot of shin splints due to the fact that as part of the army had to do running and stores carries in those boots. They were bad news for shins right from the start. I started off my training with shin splints so i didn't actually start running for awhile. But eventually i did get over them and i started my running.
I had to be very dedicated (fortunately that came naturally) and i sometimes would rise in the early hours of 4:30am just to train before compulsory Roll Call at 6am. I also bought myself a new bike. A Felt- F55- i loved it! I trained right through winter (Canberra winter that is and learnt the hard way just how cold it really gets here!).
Again, i was struck unlucky and got my second round of shin splints. I dont know what was the main culprit- the incresed running- coming from a swimming backgroud, the running in boots, or just the spped at which i returned to training after my first round. Anyway this second lot was bad and it took me right up to Hawaii.
Again, i was struck unlucky and got my second round of shin splints. I dont know what was the main culprit- the incresed running- coming from a swimming backgroud, the running in boots, or just the spped at which i returned to training after my first round. Anyway this second lot was bad and it took me right up to Hawaii.

On arrival to Honolulu i hadn't run in a month and my shins were very painful. The doctor had advised me not to race. She thought it could have been a stress fracture and wanted me to get a bone scan. If it was a stressy i wouldn't be able to race. My mind works in different ways and anyone who knows me knows that wasn't an option. I figured if i didn't have the scan they wouldn't know if i had a stressy and i could race. THe doctor thought i was nuts but I haggled with her and we made an agreement that i could race if i had a bone scan as soon as i returned. OK i was happy. Skipping to the scan which i had on return and yep there it was a stress # on my left tibia. So after Hawaii i had a bit of time off!
Hawaii Race Report: 
Well it started with 10 days in New Delhi, India visiting my parents who are living there. I had a great time of shopping and going to the Hyatt Gym, where I mostly just rode the stationary bike. It was great acclimatization though! Delhi was very hot and humid. Finally it was time to go to Hawaii, I didn’t do it the simple way. I went back through Mumbai, on to the 12 hr flight to Sydney followed by the 10hr flight to Hawaii.

Well it started with 10 days in New Delhi, India visiting my parents who are living there. I had a great time of shopping and going to the Hyatt Gym, where I mostly just rode the stationary bike. It was great acclimatization though! Delhi was very hot and humid. Finally it was time to go to Hawaii, I didn’t do it the simple way. I went back through Mumbai, on to the 12 hr flight to Sydney followed by the 10hr flight to Hawaii.
Surprisingly I wasn’t jetlagged!? I guess it was all the excitement. Getting the hundred bikes off the plane was interesting- and they definitely didn’t do it the most efficient way but eventually they all came off and we left to go to the Ocean Resort Hotel. I was lucky to just make my 12:30 massage as soon as we arrived at the hotel which was perfect timing really. It was Tuesday- We had 5 days to acclimatise and train before our race on Sunday. On those days we cycled the bike course a few times, and to my relief the hill really wasn’t very big at all!!

It was a very fast course actually- it was going to be fun. We swam the swim course and ran the run course- well a bit of it, the whole 10k’s seemed a bit too far really. We ate at a restaurant called Lulu’s for pretty much every meal (for the boys many of them being the famous ‘slaughter burger’) except breakfast (although we did have a team breakfast there on Friday morning), and we ended up befriending the manager because we were there so often!!

Finally it was Saturday- the day before the race. We went for a ride along part of the course with 3x 5 minute efforts which were good after the very relaxed life we had been living over the past few days. A lazy day after that, we put our bikes into transition at about 4, and Pasta for dinner (Sonja Dyason and I- the boys insisted on having a steak from Lulu’s) and bed.

Breakfast then transition at 6:30, and back to bed at 7! I actually slept for half an hour too!! I was in the water for a warm up at 8:30. It was a deep water start Female 18-19’s with the 20-24’s, in the Ocean (with waves). The girls took off fast, I had a good position but it just wasn’t really my day for the swim- I felt pretty slow. Anyway it turns out I was actually 4th out of the water in my age group. There would have been a few more 20-24 yr olds in front too- definitely could have done better there.

1st transition good, onto the bike. I loved the bike. It was just an overall good ride. I passed the few girls in my age group fairly soon into the ride. I ended
up riding nearish to a lot of 20-24 yr Auzzie girls. There were a few people who passed me, who had others sticking to them like glue drafting to keep out of the massive headwind on the way out along the highway; I had a good fair race though, chugging along by myself. I stormed up the undersized hill passing heaps of people- I think it’s all the Cotter rides we do! Anyway a very fast return with a tailwind most of the way. I ended up getting 1hr08, which wasn’t too bad! I passed my last competitor in front of me right at the start of the run, putting me in first place (which I didn’t actually know at the time).

The run was really hot! The first 4k’s were ok then the heat and the fact that I hadn’t run properly for a month before hand, because of shin splints started to hit, and I just wanted to hold on. I did in the end I guess with not a great time of 47min, but still enough to keep me in front and win my age group! My time in the end was 2:21:33, a solid performance for my second Olympic Distance ever but definitely room for improvement!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Long story short- i got my professional licence for triathlon so now instead of racing age group- i race with the big guns- the best in the world regardless of age. It is fantastic and i love it.

I am lucky to have some sponsorship too to help me achieve my dream....To become the BEST. No exceptions. I am sponsored by:

Endura (nutrition), Trek (bike), The ride shop (bike, accesories and support), Asics through Foot Focus (shoes & socks), Benji Sport (race gear, swim wear & compression garments)
One of the main reasons i have this blog is so i can keep all you very important people updated on my races and how i am going. Thanks guys!
My First Triathlon
I did my First Triathlon with the Defence Force.
I had no idea at first and the rest of the team (who were all absolute champions) had to teach me everything they knew.

I had a learsport bike which Dad had bought for me in year 11 when wanted to ride to school and the gym. It was $700 which seemed like so much for a bike!! (I loved it and kept it in the loungeroom!)
The day came and i smashed it. I came 2nd overall (only got passed at the end of the run) (which i had no background in). But first in my age group by...quite a bit. It was awseome fun and i was hooked which was lucky because from that 1 race i was selected for the Age Group World Championships in Hawaii in October!!
The first Olympic Distance was the Darwin Arafura Games in May 2005. It was all paid for- infact it was like being pro. I was paid to do it!

I went on my first 'long' ride (60k!! haha) and it killed me. I also didn't have the cycling knicks, any spare tubes or pump, actually come to think of it i also didn't have drink bottles either. They were fantastic to me and prepared me for the race. (i had a week before the race and i smashed that entire week- it was the only tri training i had ever done- who said you need taper!?)

The others decided for me i needed to train (which i agreed to). Ben Gathercole they said and gave me his number. I would have been stupid not to persue it, so as soon as i got back to canberra i called him, i had to wait a little bit for the end of the winter break before we started but then i went to my first training, Monday night Home trainer (bike set up stationary). I loved it and haven't looked back since. Although i have gone through life changes.
Australian Defence Force Academy

I started there in 2005. It was awesome fun at first. We were smashed and quickly created strong bonds with other people in our division.
I miss everyone i ever met there. I'm lucky i still live in canberra and can still visit everyone...but its definatly a major change from living with the 42 people in my division. It was like having 42 close brothers and sisters and 85 others who were in the other divisions but just as close. Plus over 100 close cousins, who were in the navy and air force. The bad thing was it was also like having 50 parents who everyone had to respect 100%. If you misbehaved it was worse than getting a wack with the wooden spoon or sent to your room.
Lets just say they could 'ground' you for a long time and take away your 'pocket money'. And the chores were a bit worse than cleaning your room. But you had to do that too, and to perfection. No chucking clothes in the wardrobe to get them off the floor. We had what they called 'tiered draw inspections'. All cupboards and draws open and neat.
All our uniforms had to be ironed and startched and placed in the right place in the cupboard. The hats had their own 2 shelves and places and also had to be pressed. Our brass had to be frequently polished (until we got them gold plated- the best 50 bucks i have ever spent!) as did our shoes (no tricks to that one except friends and gossip sessions (or as the staff liked to think study time) on the floor with the polish).

But We also partied. Alot. We were 18/19 year olds with accomodation and food paid for so we had money...and cheap drinks. There were parties to celebrate everything. This one was from Trivia Night. There are so many more photos and they will be coming soon. There's so much to catch up on!!
Div paintball was awesome. This was our all Amy Division in 2006.
Not suprisingly, i loved the physical side of it. I loved smashing the boys and hearing the PTI's (physical training instructor) yell out to the boys "Your getting beaten by a girl!" and then they would respond "But it's Baker!". Ha ha..i loved it.
We frequently went 'out Bush' to Majura or Singleton and we shot guns and rifles. We learnt to do section attacks and got 'attacked' at night and had to protect our boundries. I loved all of that but again i was soon snapped into reality- women still weren't allowed in Infantry positions in the Australian Army- so the likelyhood of me doing that as a career was 0%.
I was studying a science degree there and it was BORING. I soon realised that i wouldn't take me anywhere or help my dream of one day becoming a physiotherapist, so my mind began to wander and i looked at other options ouside of the Academy.
My Sporting Beginning

I swum right up through year 12 training in the early hours of the morning and at night- usually about 10 sessions a week. Then when my parents moved to India, i joined the Defence Force.
A bit of History

Ok i'll start way back... I was born in Perth and lived there for 3 years where my brother #1 was also born. We then moved to the USA for about 2.5 years. Next was canberra for a year where brother #2 was born this is where i started school. We then headed off to Brisbane for 2 years, Point Lonsdale (Victoria) for 3 years, Melbourne for 2 years, Canberra for a year, New Delhi (India) for a year (which was an awesome experience- if you haven't been to india...Get there) and then back to canberra where i finished year 11 & 12 and joined the Army at the Australian Defence Force Academy where i studied a science degree. I only lasted 18 months there because other things got in the way of my military dream...(Triathlon mainly). So i made the decision to leave, started a human biology degree (in persuit of becoming a physiotherapist), started working as a receptionist at the gym Fitness First and persued my triathlon training.
The Beginning
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